Mrs. Julie Sherfinski
Art Teacher
My name is Julie Sherfinski and I am the art teacher at Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School. This will be my twenty-fifth year at Presentation! I am excited to be ushering in the new school year. I am looking forward to a year in which the students experience deep learning, tap their creative processes, develop an appreciation for the visual arts, and have fun learning via skill technique applications in art class.
I am from Wisconsin and miss the snow! I moved to the Kansas City area to attend college, where I received my Elementary Education/Certification degree. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work as well.
Above is the link to my website. Please browse my website for updated "What's Happening in Art Class," art and teaching philosophy, classroom procedures, grading rubrics, etc.
Thank you.
I want to wish everyone in the Presentation family a fabulous school year!
God Bless.